September 21st Bulldog Bulletin
Dear Bulldog families,
Thank you to many of you who came out last Friday afternoon to Picnic in the Park. This is such a fun community event that brings us together in the fall. We are very grateful to our creative and very hardworking PAC for organizing this fair. It was a huge success once again!! Thank you also for your generous contributions to make amazing gift baskets, cakewalk and book sale.
We are looking forward to seeing you this evening at the Meet the Teacher event. There is a choice of two same half-hour sessions for you to attend in your child(ren)’s classroom from 6 pm or 6:30 pm. All main outside doors will be opened just before 6 pm. School building will close at 7 pm.
Our new Superintendent, Mr. Chris Usih, visited our school. He was impressed with our students’ readiness to learn and with their positive attitude toward school and learning, well done everyone!
Please, note that our very popular Hot Lunch program will be up and running again sometime in October. Please, stay tuned for more details from our PAC coordinators.
Multitude of school forms will go home next week. We appreciate your help in updating and filling out the necessary information. Please, return all your child(ren)'s forms to the classroom teacher as soon as you can.
Please, see the attached Bulldog Bulletin. Note, that tomorrow is a district-wide Non-Instructional Day and there is no school for students.
We wish you a great long weekend,
Miss Regina Vosahlo and Mr. Kevin Vines