April 4th Bulldog Bulletin
Dear Bulldog families,
Please, see the attached Bulldog Bulletin, April calendar, Family Smart session, French Festival and Summer Learning information . Feel free to also access this information and our school calendar on Diefenbaker School website anytime at your leisure at https://diefenbaker.sd38.bc.ca
Track Attack 2024
Track and Field season is well under way. Grade 2/3 to 7 practices have started this week, three times a week on the field, weather permitting. Please, have your children dress comfortably with appropriate footwear and clothing. All students have an opportunity to participate in these events outdoors.
Adult volunteers needed
The Zone 1 Track and Field Meet this year for our school zone is on Thursday, May 9th for Grade 3 to 7 students. Our school is organizing this zone meet this spring. We will need adult volunteers to help with the meet. If you are available to volunteer in the morning, in the afternoon or all day, or if you have questions about this, please email the zone chair coordinator Ms. Louise Mah at lomah@sd38.bc.ca. Thank you!
Gardening season is well under way at our school. Students will be planting a variety of seeds and learning about environmental literacy as they take care of fruits and vegetables and observe their growth with wonder and curiosity. We are asking if any of you have planter pots to donate that you are no longer using. We are looking for about four to six empty circle/square shaped pots of about 2 feet in diameter. You can bring them to the main office. Thank you!
Safer Schools Together – ERASE family sessions
Safer Schools Together has new dates for erase Family Sessions. These online sessions focus on social media awareness and online safety and take place in the evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on April 10, and April 16. All parents, caregivers, and students (ages 10 and up) are welcome to attend. Please, register for sessions at this link.
Have a great weekend,
Regina Vosahlo and Kevin Vines