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Focus Archive

In order to enhance the learning of our students, we will take purposeful action.  Below are some examples we are considering:

  • Highlight the Communication and Personal Awareness Core Competencies 
  • Use common language across grades (Kindness Umbrella)
  • Survey students to determine where they are in their learning
  • Increase use of “I Statements” for student self-assessment
  • Provide staff collaboration and discussion time to reflect and make plans
  • Implement school wide sharing events and activities 

As we continue to focus on our Social Awareness and Responsibility, we want to observe that students are better able to:

  • understand and apply the language of kindness
  • understand themselves as people and learners who can take responsibility for their social and physical environments 
  • demonstrate a sense of personal empowerment
  • share ideas and inspire others by working independently and collaboratively for the benefit of others  
  • are aware of the impact of the decisions, actions and footprint  

Our Goals for 2024-2025

  • Focus deeper on Kindness to Self, in particular on resiliency, the growth mindset, perseverance and encouraging our students to take risks in their learning journey
  • focus deeper on Kindness to place and build capacity in our staff to help our students care for and connect to our local environment
  • create class and school-wide opportunities for our students and staff to learn and work together on kindness to self, to others and to place
  • continue to connect with our secondary feeder schools and  provide our students with opportunities to work together in making a difference in our community 
  • involve our Grade 6 and 7 students in leadership opportunities such as family teams to make our learning about kindness audible and visible throughout the school
Updated: Thursday, January 30, 2025