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Student's conversation about learning to be kind

Here is an example of a parent’s message shared with the school, demonstrating this Kindergarten student’s learning about kindness to self, others and place at Diefenbaker.


Thank you for meeting with us yesterday to talk about our child’s learning and next steps. It is evident how much you care about students and provide such rich experiences for them to be who they are as they continue to learn and grow. 

I mentioned a moment a week or so ago about "Kindness" and wanted to share that with you, along with an impromptu scanning conversation:

Attached is a photo of my child with a strip of fire fighter stickers. He said "I need to share that with my friends to show kindness to others". Then he looked around the very messy room and said, "We need to clean the toys...that's kindness to place." 


Me: Are there 2 adults that care about you at school? 

Teo: There's way more than 2. There's Mrs. Ververgaert, Mr. M, Ms Wong, Ms Hinks. 

Me: What do they teach you? 

Teo: They teach me kindness to self, like using scissors carefully and not lying. And kindness to others like sharing. And kindness to place like the picture on Mrs. Ververgaert's screen and toys everywhere, that's not kindness to place. 

Me: Why is it important to learn about kindness? 

Teo: I don't know yet. 

Me: What happens if we're not kind? 

Teo: Then it gets badder and badder and badder, and we need to take care of the land, and using weapons is not kind because even if people are making unsafe choices they are still learning. Anyway, the world is beautiful. 


Thank you all for all you do to care for and support learners! 


Updated: Sunday, April 30, 2023