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Looking at data

During our December staff meeting, the staff took the time to examine data such as student kindness surveys, student learning surveys and inquiry questions that emerged from teacher class review meetings.

A sample of students from each grade were asked the following questions:

  • What are you learning about kindness?
  • Why is learning about kindness important?
  • Are there two adults at our school who believe that you will be successful at school?

Next the staff looked at Student Learning Surveys and MDI survey responses that pertained to our school story. 

After that, we have shared with staff the inquiry questions from each division that we discussed during the fall class reviews. 

We then asked our staff these questions based on the data presented. Staff teams entered their thoughts virtually on padlet website, shared with all. 

What is going on for our learners?

Why does it matter? 

What are our strengths as a school?  

What should we focus on this year? 


Themes of focus that emerged from staff wide discussion: 

  • We should continue to focus on Diversity, Inclusivity & Kindness this year
  • We should continue to involve our student leadership team in organizing school wide kindness initiatives such as:  morning announcements with students' thoughts about why kindness is important and making a kindness bunting bulletin boards.
  • Let's dive deeper into Kindness to Self: with focus on growth mindset and working on student perseverance, risk taking and fostering of independence. 







Updated: Wednesday, December 6, 2023