May 3rd Bulldog Bulletin
Dear Bulldog families,
Please, see the attached Bulldog Bulletin, Lock Down drill information, Notice of Late Return in September 2024 and revised May calendar.
We are having our Lock Down drill in the morning, on Wednesday, May 8th. Please, see the attached information about this important school safety procedure.
Track & Field Meet on May 9th
The Grade 2/3 to 7 students have been practicing diligently the many track and field events over the past month. We are so proud of our students’ efforts and participation. As you know, our Zone Track and Field Meet is next Thursday, May 9th at Minoru Park for students in Grade 3 to 7.
Parking at Minoru is challenging. Thank you so much to many of you who can drive students to the meet. Please, let your classroom teacher know on the blue form if you can drive your child to the meet and/or if you can drive other students to Minoru Park. If you are driving other students, please stop by the office and fill out the Parent Driver volunteer form (if you have not done so already this year.)
Every school this year has been assigned parking drop-off area. Diefenbaker is only allowed to drop-off student at the TENNIS Courts by Gilbert Road. Unlimited parking is in the neighbourhood streets or across Granville Avenue at Brighouse Park.
Our students will then meet at the CHECK-IN spot by long jump sand pit, look for the Diefenbaker tent and banner. Please, have your child check in with Mr. Mah or Mr. Leung when they arrive and check out when they leave.
Our school was assigned LANE 3 this year and 8 as bonus.
The City of Richmond is strict with the event washroom use. Please, use the outside washrooms behind the Minoru Active Living centre. Thank you.
In case of rain, the Track Meet is postponed to May 10th and in case for more rain to May 15th. Thank you for handing in the consent form to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible by Monday, May 6th.
Walkathon 2024 on Wednesday afternoon, May 29th prize donations needed
Your child will be coming home with a Walkathon notice and pledge form on Monday. The PAC is looking for a few big ticket items we can use as prizes. If you or your company have any connections for items such as electronics, gift cards, lego, sporting equipment, etc. please contact Nicole & Melissa, Diefenbaker PAC co-chairs at Students always look forward to this fun event and it is the PAC's largest fundraiser of the year. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
June 7th Fun Day Hot lunch orders
Diefenbaker PAC has secured Dairy Queen from Steveston to provide hot lunch for Diefenbaker Fun Day school event on June 7. This hot lunch will run the same way as the other hot lunches this year. Parents can place their order for their children online now. Please, place your orders at the Parent Advisory Council (PAC) website. More information about the Fun Day activities will be sent to you soon.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Regina Vosahlo and Kevin Vines